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Home Commercial Recycling Office Recycling Programs

Office Recycling Programs

Reducing waste saves money for our customers, our suppliers and our business.  It also decreases our reliance on non-renewable resources. When we reduce waste, we reduce all the water consumption, energy use and environmental impacts that resulted from producing the wasted material. We work with businesses to reduce waste at as many levels as possible.  We specialize in identifying and pursuing opportunities to reduce waste and increase use of recycled materials.

Slesnick recycling will assess your office's recycling potential, and help you to design and implement an optimal office waste recycling program.  With over 80 years of experience, we are extremely knowledgeable in finding the proper equipment and in setting up programs that work for everyone.  Our ability to create individual solutions for each and every customer results in significant savings and better program adherence.  We make it as convenient as possible by offering regular paper pickup schedule, or if even more flexibility is required, pickup can happen on a per call basis.

Applicable Office Paper Recycle Items:

  • All white paper 
  • Brochures
  • Pamphlets
  • Colored copier paper
  • Notepad paper
  • Post-It notes
  • Receipts
  • Manila file folders

Items that can be added with Cardboard for recycling

  • Accordion folders
  • Chipboard back of notepads
  • Brown grocery bags
  • Boxes

Items that can be recycled as mixed paper

  • Newspaper
  • Catalogs
  • Magazines
  • Phone Books

For more information about going green and saving money with our Office Recycling Services, contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call (330) 454-5101



